How spirit mediums, at any level, including total beginners, can get that total connection with their clients and the spirit world WITHOUT doing generalized 'one size fits all' classes

OR, attend oversubscribed events with tutors who are not necessarily the best fit for them

About Andrew Dee

I love working alongside frustrated mediums at all levels who
are desperate to get confident spirit communication.

After working with over 2,000 clients just like you, I know that you are struggling and frustrated when it comes to getting back in control of your mediumship.

Together, on this one of a kind training we will work together to finally solve this and give you my

U - S.Ta.R. system to ensure you get confident spirit communication and get back in control of your mediumship again.

I cannot wait to see you on the training and show you this system to ensure you get to feel part of something again by truly connecting to


  • My simple, yet effective U- S.Ta.R. system that delivers confident spirit communication in under 90 days without admitting how you feel to anybody else.

  • Why believing old school tutors have the best solutions is plain wrong (And the much easier methods that still allow you to get control of your mediumship.)

  • The breakthrough strategy that is especially great for beginners or even if you have paid for stand alone on-line courses with little or no supervision or support, fast fixes such as intensive courses Or tried everything already and nothing has worked just to get confident spirit communication....

  • Do you suffer from mediumship misery? Forget about admitting this to anybody else, going to over subscribed classes and seeing tutors who are not necessarily the best fit for you. Instead you're about to see overlooked secrets which DO make it easy to feel part of something again and have confident spirit communication.